
Stories from the five towns

The two men wanted to know very much, but did they ask the question? Oh, no! Neither man wanted to be the first to speak. And so they sat in silence. (p.27)
Stories from the Five Towns』|感想・レビュー - 読書メーター This book has four short stories which expands in five towns.  It includes laugh, irony, and being moved. In each of stories, nothing in particuar happen. It is written about people who have some troubles in daily life.  The stories can happen to everyone, so we'll feel with thier feelings.
 I like forth story about old and silent brothers in the same house. Surprisingly, they haven't talked eachpther for ten years though they live in the same house. The reason is quarrel between them because they wanted to get married to same business woman. They are so stranged, and decided to not talk each other. The brothers is famous in the town they live in, so people in the town always watch over them. However, the stories began to move actively from when their old sister died.  In her will, she wrote something that is surprising.
 If you want to know the continuation of the story, I recommernd you to read it. You'll enjoy these short stories.

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