
Les Miserable

More and more soldiers are arriving in the city, but the people stay in their homes. This time they don't want to fight the gonernment. Only the students are still at the barricades, waiting for the soldiers' bullets- and the death. (p.36)
 This is a book I read in a Western language for the first time when I was a high school student. And I wanted to read this book again. I've watched the musical and the movie before.It was great! I like this story, especially, I like the music in the musical and movie very much. I used to listen to the music for many times. This sroty is about people in seventeen centulies in Flance. Peope go forward to bright tomorrow though they get involved in the flow of the time. It is very famous and popular story among people all over the world. If you've studied world history, you can understand the contents more easily. In the book, you can't listen to great music, but you'll suerly be moved by the book. I want you to watch  the musical and movie after reading it!

1 件のコメント:

  1. gonernment

    people in seventeen centulies in Flance
    people in the seventeenth century in France


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