
BR2-09 L.A.Raid

People say you are the best private detective in Los Angeles. Peaople use other words about you. Clever. Tough. Rude. And funny. You think you're funny. (p.9)
  In this story,  a private detective called Lenny Samuel works out a troublesome raid. He was a  very clever, tough, rude,and expensive detective. Mr. Careter asked him for helping his job.  The raid by same criminal putting on a duck mask happened agin and again. They were diferrent every times, so they troubled him more than he had expected. He missed the criminal many times when he almost can catch the man. The next day, he was criticized for it by news paper and weekly magazine and  two criminal putting on a duck mask turned up in front of Lenny! Amazingly, they said, "We're sorry for you. You can't work as a detective because of us." If you read the end of this book, you can undersand all of the incidents. You'll find out why he can't catch the criminal, who is the mastermind. It was so interesting ending, so I want you to read this book!
 Prowse Philip(2005). L.A.Raid. yhrough out the world: Macmillan Readers

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