
The Princess and the Pea

The Princess and the Pea

One day, a prince who want to get married lived in his castle lonely. He tried to find a real princess, but he had no luck.  One stormy night, a girl with wet hair and muddy clothes visited his castle. He entertained her hospitality, and came up with a good idea to ascertain her. He put a tiny pea on her bed, and piled 20 mattresses and quilts. What did she tell him about the bed? Can he ascertain her if she is a princess or not? I thought his idea is so interesting! I want to read it!

1 件のコメント:

  1. a prince who want to get married
    a prince who wants to get married

    lived in his castle lonely
    lived in his castle alone

    He entertained her hospitality
    He showed her hospitality

    Can he ascertain her if she is a princess or not?
    Can he ascertain whether she is a princess or not?

    I want to read it!
    -- Haven't you read it yet?


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