


A birthday Kitten
There are lots of different cats for Todd to choose from at the animal shelter. But there is only one Scruffy.

Todd was a birthday boy. He had decided to get a cat as a birthday present from before. So he had been looking forward to his birthday.
 He couldn't wait going an animal shelter, so he got up earlier than usual, and waited in front of the animal shelter that haven't opened yet. In the animal shelter, there were many kinds of animal. For example, cats, dogs, birds, snakes, and so on. There were many kinds of cats, and every cats was so cute, so he wavered which cats he choose. After a long time, he finally chose a kitten that he could establish an emotional bond with in the shelter. He named Scruffy.
He will spend a lot of time with Scruffy. Let's check this book!

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